Chlorine tablets 5kg


Product Description

Relax Small Chlorine tablets for hot tubs, spa and swimming pools.

  • 5kg Trichlor (20g) Chlorine Tablets (250 Tablets)
  • Designed to be used with a floating dispenser / some feeder systems
  • Maintain the ideal Chlorine level between 3.0 to 5.0mg/l

Application Instructions

  1. Fill the Dispenser with tablets and adjust the aperture mechanism at the bottom of the dispenser to obtain the 1-3 mg/l(ppm) desired range.
  2. These tablets are designed to slowly erode over a period of 4-7 days, depending on the water flowing over them.
  3. The dispenser should be removed from the water while swimmers are bathing.

    PH levels:

    Always ensure that your PH is at the ideal level between 7.2 - 7.8 to promote bathers comfort and safety.

Important Instructions

Never mix with other chemicals as dangerous reactions may occur. Handle product in a well-ventilated area. Wash hands after use. Ensure tablets do not become damp in storage. Store in a cool dry place!